You need the output from DuckDB to be a CSV, not some silly ASCII or fancy Markdown table.
Use one of the built-in methods to output resultsets to CSV
There are a few ways to output CSV from DuckDB. The easiest is to use the -csv command line flag.
Let’s say you need the output of the number of commits per author this month as a CSV for some daily automation process that sends an electric shock to the three lowest performing coders (NOTE: git commits are not a sign of productivity, capability, or anything save for the fact that you know how to run git commit):
cd ~/Development/clones/rstudiogit pull > /dev/null # get the latest commitsgit log --pretty=format:%as,%an |\duckdb-csv-c"FROM read_csv('/dev/stdin', auto_detect = false, columns = { 'day': 'DATE', 'author': 'VARCHAR' })SELECT strftime(date_trunc('month', day), '%Y %B') AS month, author, COUNT(*) AS n_commits_this_monthWHERE date_trunc('month', day) = date_trunc('month', now()::DATE)GROUP BY 1, 2ORDER BY 3LIMIT 3"